The Case for Accessible Mental Health Care

The image depicts a scene of three young adults engaged in a pleasant conversation around a table in what appears to be a sunny, indoor setting.

There is a dire need for immediately accessible mental health care and support in the state of Kansas. In a 2023 report, by Mental Health America (MHA), the findings found that Kansas is at the bottom of all states when it comes to care.

MHA is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.

In the report, sadly, Kansas is ranked 51 - LAST - out of 51 states. As health gets worse numbers get higher, from 1 to 51.

Kansas had the worst ranking in the entire research project out of all American states.

From the MHA website

The indicators that had the largest effect on the Overall Ranking for Kansas were:

  • Youth with Substance Use Disorder in the Past Year (9.05%, ranked 51)
  • Adults with Any Mental Illness (26.02%, ranked 48)
  • Adults with Serious Thoughts of Suicide (6.44%, ranked 48).

Other MHA 2023 Study findings:

  • 60% of youth with major depression do not receive mental health treatment.
  • 55% of adults with a mental illness receive no treatment – over 28 million individuals.
  • 16% of youth report at least one major depressive episode in the past year.
  • More than 2.7 million youth are experiencing severe major depression.
  • 21% of adults are experiencing a mental illness. Equivalent to over 50 million Americans.

Another study by SAMHSA, found that only 48.3% of adults with mental illness in Kansas receive any form of treatment from either the public system or private providers. The remaining 51.7% receive no mental health treatment.

These statistics about our beloved state are startling and one of many reasons I went back to school in my 50s to try and help families with their mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or any other mental health issue, please do everything you can to find serious professional help.